User Guide

Knit stitch
Stitch pattern: 12
2 Presser foot: Foot A
Keep an extra space allowance from the fabric edge and
after finishing the sewing, cut the extra seam allowance
edge as shown.
Overedge sewing (1)
Stitch pattern: 07
2 Presser foot: Overedge foot C
This stitch pattern combines the straight and the zigzag
stitches, using the overedge foot, to stitch and overcast
seams in one step.
It is also a stretch stitch to provide elasticity for knits and
extra strength for woven fabrics.
Use this stitch when you want a narrow seam that you
do not have to press open flat.
It is ideal for 6 mm (1/4”) seams on knits. (when attach-
ing ribbing) or on medium to heavyweight woven fabrics
where you want a narrow seam.
Place your fabric so that the raw edges fit under the wire
guides and touch the black ridge and brush guide.
Gently guide the fabric so that the raw edges always
touch the black ridge and brush guide.
Note: Stitch width should be set between 5.0 to 7.0.
The Blue tip needle is recommended for stretch