User Guide

Programming Decorative Stitch Patterns 61, 58
To repeat or continue the same combination of stitches,
just press the foot control.
[1]Press the Mode key and select A Mode.
[2]Select stitch pattern 61.
[3]Press memory key.
[4]Select stitch pattern 58.
[5]Press memory key.
A programmed stitch sewing pattern finishing
with auto-lock, stitches 61, 58, 98
Stitch patterns: 61, 58, 98
The memorized patterns will be sewn and stop automati-
[1]Press the Mode key and select A Mode.
[2]Select stitch pattern 61.
[3]Press memory key.
[4]Select pattern 58.
[5]Press memory key.
[6]Select stitch pattern 98.
[7]Press memory key.