
Betbre You Call tbr Service
The mixer will
not st al*t.
The mixer bowl
wobbles hack and
{_)rth when mixing.
The mixer is
spattering ingredients
outside the mixer
The mixer motor
seems to be bogging
The mixer shuts down
while mixing.
Check the power cord to make sure it is securely f_s
ten(d into tile mixe_ and into tile electrical outlet.
Mak( sure the naixel hea(] has been lowered and
locked into place.
Be sure )ou've turned the touch wheel control to one
of the 10 power settings.
Press the start button in the center of the touch wheel
C ont 1-o].
Make sure the bowl is secureh locked into place on
the bowl locking plate I)cfi_le operating the mixer.Fl/e
bowl shouhl be level and will lock into place with a
slight tu rn.
Mak( sure that the beate_ attachment is not contacting
the bowl. If necessav), adjust the mixer head height
with the adjustment screw until the I)eatev clears the
bottom of the bowl. See page 8.
The bowl ma) be overloaded.
The spe(d ma) I)c turned up too high. The 400 watt
motor on _our mi×er is powerfid. Tr) a lower speed.
The mixing bowl ma) I)c overloaded with a hear) mi×
ture. If so, divide into smaller portions and vcsum(
The mixer has been programmed to protect itself fiom
damage while mixing heavv loads. Divi(le the load into
smaller portions. Restart the mixer.