
Tuscan Flatbread (focaccia)
This deliciolL_ly_implefi_cacciarecipecan be serredalcmt]_idescrapsand _tet_ or sliced and
used to make toastedpanini sandl_iche_,t_r a sl_z,et rariation, tO"toppinj with slirer_of red
_]rape_and sprinklinj with sujar.
21o 3 cups flour
1 package ( 14 ounce) rapid rise )'east
I tablespoon sugar
3q teaspoon salt
1 cup water
lq_cup <)liveoil, divided
Combine 21"2icups of flour, yeast, sugar and salt. Set aside. Heat water and 2 table
spoons oil until 120 130° F (approximately 1 11,9 minutes in the microwave).
LIsingdough hook attachment on setting #1, n'lix dry ingredients into water and oil
mixture. Gradually add remaining flour until sott dough forms. Continue kneading
wifl_ dough hook until dough is smoofll and elastic, about 3 5 minutes. Cover and
let rise for 10 1Bminutes.
I)ivide dough in half, place each on greased cookie sheets and press into two 8"
circles. Cover loosely with plastic and let stand 1Bminutes. Press fingertips into
dough, creating indentations. Brush with remaining 2 tablespoons of oil. Sprinkle
with choice of toppings.
Optional toppings: 2 tablespoons of chopped flesh rosemary ÷ 2 tablespoons
grated Parmesan cheese OR lg pound coarsely chopped flesh red grapes + 2 tea
spoons sugar.
Bake at 425 ° F (Convect F,ake 400 ° F) fur 1B 17 minutes or until crust is golden
brown. Cut into wedges. Serve hot.
Makes t_o round loaves.
NOTE: One tablespoon of fl'esh herbs equals 1 teaspoon dried in most recipes.