software Manual

There is no limit on the number of results which can be saved.
9.1 Saving results
In any of the measurement modes to
save a result click on the File button
on the top toolbar. Click Save As.
The result can be saved in any
location. It is advised to use ‘result’ in
the file name in order to easily
differentiate between methods and
results. Or alternatively create a
separate folder for methods and
If a result has not been saved and
the measurement mode is closed by
either clicking on the cross box or the
Close button a warning will be
displayed to prompt saving.
9.2 Opening results
To load a previously saved result
open the measurement mode which
the result was created in. Click on
the File button on the top toolbar
and click on Open. Alternatively use
the open file shortcut key in the
measurement mode.
Select the required result to be
opened and click Open.