User manual
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supply voltage through this pin, or, if supplying voltage via the power jack, access it through
this pin.
2. AREF. Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analogReference().
SainSmart UNO R3
Whats UNO R3?
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic
resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB
cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
Revision 3 is the last SainSmart UNO development board version.
3.3V/5V Supply Voltage and IO Voltage can be switched at the same time.
More 3.3V modules supported, such as Xbee module, Bluetooth module, RF module, GPRS
module, GPS module, LCD5110 Backlight and so on, but the original version can only support
5V IO.
Controller uses SMD MEGA328P-AU chip. Add A6/A7 port.
5V Electric current : 500MA
3.3V Electric current : 50MA
Input Voltage: 7-12V
Improvement of R3
Working voltage 3.3V/5V is optional.
Arduino can only work at 5V voltage. When it comes to 3.3V Level module, IO can’t be
connected to it. The Level should be changed, like the SD card, Bluetooth module and so on.
Sainsmart UNO R3 can work at 3.3V voltage by switching on the button. At this time, IO port
is 3.3V and it can work with 3.3V Level module. (R3 can directly use the electronic building
blocks on I / O port and elicit G, V, S)
SainSmart MEGA2560 R3
This is the new MEGA2560 R3. In addition to all the features of the previous board, the MEGA
now uses an ATMega16U2 instead of the ATMega8U2 chip. This allows for faster transfer rates
and more memory. No drivers needed for Linux or Mac (inf file for Windows is needed and
included in the Arduino IDE), and the ability to have the Uno show up as a keyboard, mouse,