Instructions / Assembly

The Technique of Baking
More than a grill, the Kamado Joe can become a charcoal-
fired oven. Its ceramic walls retain heat and its circular shape
promotes superior air circulation, creating ideal conditions for
baking. You can bake anything you’d cook in an indoor oven, from
wood-fired pizzas to rustic berry cobblers to fresh, crusty bread.
Note: to bake pizza, you’ll need to raise the temperature beyond
typical baking temperatures (300–450°F/150–230°C) to 500°F
(260°C) or higher.
1. Top off or fill the firebox with charcoal. Light the charcoal. Install the
heat deflector plates; then place pizza stone or cooking grate on top. Leave
the dome open for about 10 minutes, then close.
2. Open the bottom vent and top vent halfway until the Kamado Joe
approaches 300–450°F (150–230°C). Then begin closing the vents as
needed to stabilize the kamado at your target temperature. If you’re
making pizza, increase the heat to 500°F (260°C) or higher.
3. Be sure to ‘burp’ the grill every time you open the dome to prevent
dangerous flashback. Partially opening the dome (2–3 inches/5–8cm) and
allowing heat to escape for about 5 seconds should prevent this.
4. When the grill is hot enough, you’re ready to bake. Use the top daisy
wheel to fine-tune any temperature adjustments.