- Kerio WinRoute Firewall Administrator's Guide

5.3 DNS Forwarder
Figure 5.10 Specific settings of DNS forwarding
DNS server can be specified for:
DNS name queries requiring names of computers will be forwarded to this DNS
server (so called A queries)
a subnet queries requiring IP addresses of the particular domain will be forwarded
to the DNS server (reverse domain PTR queries)
Click on the Add or the Edit button to open a dialog where custom DNS forwarding rules
can be defined.
The Name DNS query option allows specification of a rule for name queries. Use the
If the queried name matches entry to specify a corresponding DNS name (name of
a host in the domain).
It is usually desirable to forward queries to entire domains rather than to specific
names. Specification of a domain name may therefore contain
wildcard symbol
(asterisk substitutes any number of characters) and/or ? (question mark sub-
stitutes a single character). The rule will be applied to all names matching with the
string (hosts, domains, etc.).
Example: DNS name will be represented by the string ?erio.c
. The rule will be
applied to all names in domains kerio.cz, cerio.com, aerio.c etc., such as on
www.kerio.cz, secure.kerio.com, www.aerio.c, etc.
Warning: It is necessary that the expression specified in the If the query contains
domain entry is an entire DNS name! If, for example, the kerio.c
expression is
introduced, only names kerio.cz, kerio.com etc. would match the rule and host
names included in these domains (such as www.kerio.cz and secure.kerio.com)
would not!