
the stone will cause it to darken or stain over time. Do not attempt to
remove the discoloration as it will not affect performance. Air-dry the stone
after cleaning.
Easy Neapolitan Dough Recipe:
- 20 ounces (about 4 cups) bread flour, preferably Italian-style "OO"
- .4 ounces kosher salt (about 4 teaspoons)
- .3 ounces (about 2 teaspoons) instant yeast
- 13 ounces warm water
1. Combine flour, salt, and yeast in a large bowl and whisk until
homogenous. Add water and incorporate into flour using hands until no dry
flour remains on bottom of bowl. Cover bowl tightly with plastic wrap and
allow it to rise at room temperature for 8 to 12 hours.
2. Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface and divide into four even balls.
Place each in a covered quart-sized deli container or in a zipper-lock freezer
bag. Place in refrigerator and allow to rise at least 2 more days, and up to 4.
Remove from refrigerator, shape into balls, and allow to rest at room
temperature for at least 2 hours before baking.