Installation Guide

Kingspan, the G Device and the Lion Device are Registered Trademarks of the Kingspan Group plc in the US, Canada and other countries. All rights reserved.
GreenGuard is a Registered Trademark of the Kingspan Group plc in the US. All rights reserved.
Kingspan Insulation LLC
2100 RiverEdge Parkway, Suite 175, Atlanta, Georgia 30328
Kingspan Insulation LLC believes the information and recommendations herein to be accurate and reliable. However, since use conditions are not within its control, Kingspan Insulation LLC does not
guarantee results from use of such products or other information herein and disclaims all liability from any resulting damage or loss. No warranty, express or implied, is given as to the merchantability, tness
for particular purpose, or otherwise with respect to the products referred to.
For more information on specic building product recommendations and installation guidelines, contact your Kingspan Insulation LLC
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