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Data format
Skyradiometer create four kinds of data file as follows;
1.Aerosol obsevation FileName : yymmddnn.dat
2.Direct sun observation FileName : yymmddnn.sun
3.Disk scan data file FileName : yymmddnn.V**
4.Cloud scan data file … FileName : yymmddnn.cld
”yymmdd” yy:year mm:month dd:day nn:file number(00∼99).
Common header
A common header is added with two lines of each observation data file.
1st line: POM Type(6) ,Tracker No.(7) ,Sensor No.(7) ,latitude(8) ,Longitude(8) ,
Date/UTC(8) ,Time/UTC(8) ,Date/Local time(8) ,Time/Local time(8) ,
2nd line: Number of channels ,1ch , 2ch , 3ch ,∼ 11ch (wavelength)
【Example】POM-02,1822105,1957002, 139.315, 035.738,09/05/19,20:10:05,09/05/20,05:10:05
1.Aerosol observation data file
File name:09052000.dat … Date Year:2009, Month:5, Day:20, File number00
∼ 2.6970E-05,4.6799E-05,4.9362E-06,4.6783E-05,6.5872E-05,3.4393E-05,-21.3,18.1,0000
1st line: Day(UTC) ,Time(UTC) ,Day(Local time) ,Time(Local time) ,Scan type ,Location
※Scan type H:Horizontal scan / V:Vertical scan
Header is added every aerosol scan executed
2nd line : Time(UTC) ,Time(Local Time) , Azimuth angle ,Zenith angle ,Data(Ch1)、Data(Ch2) …
Data(Ch10) ,Data(Ch11) ,NIR sensor temperature ,Housing temperature ,Barometer
・Azimuth angle and zenith angle is motor position.
・Unit of output data is ampere.
・Data is recorded as scattering angle order.
※Without barometer installed, com is selected, data record 0000 / com is not selected, data record -999.
2.Direct sun measurement data file
File name:09052000.sun … Date Year:2009, Month:5, Day:20, File number00
∼ 3.2005E-05,5.2956E-05,6.9740E-06,5.2269E-05,7.2594E-05,3.8612E-05,-21.1,18.5,0000,01209
1st line: Day(UTC) ,Time(UTC) ,Day (Local time) , Time(Local time) ,Measure type , Location