Owner Manual

Products to Consider:
• Soft Scrub®
• Bar Keepers Friend®
• Dishwasher soap
White vinegar + water solution 50/50
• Mild bleach solution
To prevent water spots, rinse and wipe the inside of the sink with a micro ber cleaning cloth
after every use.
To maintain the product, treat all surfaces with baby oil using a micro ber cleaning cloth once
per month.
For everyday cleaning, use water and a mild liquid soap detergent or a ½ vinegar and ½ water
solution. Apply the cleaner with a soft (micro ber) cleaning cloth or soft (non-abrasive)
sponge wipe in circular motions, then rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a micro ber
cleaning cloth. Remember to wash away any extra soap left behind after cleaning thoroughly.
For tough stains, use the following solution: ½ vinegar and ½ water, or suggested products
(listed below). Apply the cleaner with the coarser side of a dishwashing sponge wipe in
circular motions, then rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a micro ber cleaning cloth.
Remember to wash away any extra soap left behind after cleaning thoroughly.
Minor scratches and some deep stains on the surface may be treated with P400 or  ner grit
abrasive paper soaked in water, and then maintained with baby oil.
Do not any cleaners that include lime removal agents such as CLR or Lime-A-Way. These
products may damage the sink surface.
Do not any abrasive pads, steel wool, or wire brushes when cleaning the sink. Using these
will damage and/or wear down the sink surface. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH ALL PRODUCTS
Do not leave metal objects or standing water in the sink, as this may cause rust stains on the
surface of the sink.
White vinegar + water solution 50/50