Care and Cleaning Guide

kraususa.com21 | CARE & CLEANING GUIDE
The humble drain assembly is actually a major part of
keeping your kitchen sink clean, ensuring that every-
thing functions properly by keeping the drainpipe free
of debris.
To keep your sink drain looking its best, periodically
clean the drain assembly and strainer with water and a
mild liquid soap detergent, making sure to rinse thor-
oughly and dry with a microfiber cloth to maximize luster.
To prevent discoloration, always rinse and wipe the
drain and bottom of your sink when you’re done using
it, and avoid leaving staining substances like coee and
teabags in the sink or on the drain assembly.
Between food debris, hard water stains, and gener-
al gunk from dishwashing and other kitchen tasks,
your drain assembly and strainer may need a deeper
cleaning. If food particles have collected in the open-
ings of the strainer, pick the debris out with a fork and
then wipe down the strainer and sides of the drain
assembly with a mild detergent that has grease-cutting
properties. To get your stainless steel drain assembly
sparkling clean, use lemon juice and a paste made
from baking soda and water to scrub, then rinse thor-
oughly with warm water and dry with a microfiber cloth.
If stains remain, you can soak a paper towel in dis-
tilled white vinegar, then lay the paper towel over the
stained area and let it sit for 20 minutes.
• DO NOT place items or substances that can cause
stains, such as tea bags or coee, into the bottom of
your sink or directly onto the drain assembly
• Dishwashing soap
• Baking soda/lemon mixture
• Formula 409® Antibacterial All-Purpose
• Fantastik® Antibacterial Heavy Duty Cleaner
• White vinegar + water solution 50/50
Stainless Steel Drain Assembly with Strainer (ST-4)CapPro™ Removable Decorative Drain Cover (STC-2)