Owner manual

This page shows information of HDDs installed in the DVR.
When users install full storage device and DVD-RW including one e-SATA storage(C, F, G H, I and J Type), then following
procedures will be listed as below:
- 1. Internal SATA 1~4 Ports
- 2. External SATA 1~4 Ports
- 3. DVD-RW
Under “Information”, it is possible to find the port number where each HDD is connected.
- For Internal SATA, [P1], [P2], [P3] and [P4] each represents internal Port 1, Port 2, Port 3 and Port 4.
- For External SATA, [E1], [E2], [E3] and [E4] each represents external Port 1, Port 2, Port 3 and Port 4.
Users must format when:
- install new HDD
- add another HDD
- replace HDD
- move HDD (change installation port)
- remove HDD
Use to delete or purge all normal recorded data from database. Please follow the procedure below.
Click ( ) Clear All Data box.
When a Message box asking “All the data will be deleted and cannot be restored. Proceed?” shows, choose ‘OK’ to
Then, Progress window will display and the process starts.
When all data are deleted, a message box “HDD format has been completed.” will pop up.
When users add used HDDs from the same type of DVR, users can access data in DVRs as Read-Only or keep
Please Click ( ) S.M.A.R.T and the following screen will display.
S.M.A.R.T shows the status of HDD connected to the DVR.
Click ( ) Refresh box to refresh status of HDDs as the S.M.A.R.T setup.
A user can set Notification when BAD are detected by S.M.A.R.T.
Check Alarm out: users can set the alarm out, when “Bad” detects from HDDs. If Click ( ) ‘All’, all items are check/uncheck
at once.
Check Email: users can receive the email notification to registered email address, when Bad detects from HDDs. If Click ( )
‘All’, all items are check/uncheck at once.
HDD Format