Cooking Tips

Culinary Information: Larissa Taboryski | 800.892.4040 x180 | La Cornue Service Center: 877.522.6768 | Additional Assistance: Matthew McManus | 800.892.4040 x109
Tips for Roasting in Convection
Small cuts of meat, poultry, sh and vegetables that cook in 30 – 45 minutes or less can be cooked
directly on a rimmed baking sheet.
Roasts 3lbs and over should be cooked on a rack in a shallow pan.
When meats that take an hour or more to cook are placed directly on a pan, the heat of the pan
leeches the moisture out of the meat and the Convection fan can splatter the juices around the oven.
Cooking meats on a rack maintains all the juices in the meat and keeps the oven cleaner.
The cooking time for large roasts, 7lbs and over is signicantly reduced when cooking in
Convection. Generally a 20lb un-stuffed turkey will cook in 2 hours in Convection. Refer to the
roasting chart in the Cooking Tips section for specic information on timing.
Roast large cuts of meat on a rack in a shallow panSmall cuts of meat on a shallow rimmed baking street