User's Manual

4: Advanced Operations
SLP: set dns1<Enter>
Verifying the DNS configuration:
The Ping command may be used to verify the configuration of the DNS IP address.
To verify the DNS configuration:
1. At the command prompt, type ping followed by the domain component of the
Directory Services server previously configured and press Enter.
The following command verifies the DNS configuration:
SLP: ping
Pinging [] with 64
bytes of data
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=0
triptime =0
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=1
triptime =0
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=2
triptime =0
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=3
triptime =0
Reply from bytes=64 pseq=4
triptime =0
Configuring LDAP Groups
Creating an LDAP group
The Create LDAPGroup command creates an LDAP group.
To create an LDAP group:
1. At the command prompt, type create ldapgroup, optionally followed by a
group name. Press Enter.
The following command creates the LDAP group PowerUser:
SLP: create ldapgroup PowerUser<Enter>
Removing an LDAP group:
The Remove LDAPGroup command removes an LDAP group.
To remove an LDAP group:
1. At the command prompt, type remove ldapgroup, optionally followed by a
group name. Press Enter.
Setting the LDAP group access level privileges
The set LDAPGroup Access command sets the access level privileges for an LDAP
group. The SLP has four defined access privilege levels; Admin, User, On-Only and
SecureLinx SLP Remote Power Manager 83