Full Product Manual

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Start T ime ( Delayed T imed Cook)
The automatic timer of the D elayed Timed Cook
function turns the oven on and off at the time you
select. This feature can be used with the Bake, Conv .
Bake and Conv . Roast modes.
Setting a Delayed T imed Cook
For exa mple, to bake at 30 0 ° F and delay the start of
baking until 4 h 30 m, first set the clock for the correct
time of day.
Turn the oven mode knob to select the Bake
mode. 350 ° F appears in the display.
Set the temperature: press minus( - ) until 30 0 ° F
appears in the display.
Press Cook T ime and press plus (+ ) or minus (-)
to set the baking time.
Press Start T ime.
Set the start time: press plus( + ) until
4: 30
appears in the display.
Press Start. A short beep sounds and T imed
Delay and the start time appear in the display.
The oven begins baking at the set start time.
To cancel the D elayed Timed Cook function,
turn the oven mode knob to the O ff position.
To change the cooking time, repeat step 3 and
press Start.
If the oven clock is set as a 1 2-hour clock, you
can delay the cook time for 1 2 hours. If the
oven clock is set as a 24-hour clock, you can
delay the cook time for 24 hours.
The oven will continue to cook for the set amount
of time and then turn off automatically. When the
cooking time has elapsed:
End and the time of day show in the display.
The cook end indicator tone sounds every 6 0
seconds until the oven mode knob is turned to the
O ff position.
U se the automatic timer when cooking cured or
frozen meats and most fruits and vegetables.
Foods that can easily spoil, such as milk, eggs,
fish, meat or poultry, should be chilled in the
refrigerator. Even when chilled, they should
not stand in the oven for more than 1 hour
before cooking begins, and should be removed
promptly when cooking is completed.
Eating spoiled food can result in sickness from
food poisoning.
Cook T ime ( T imed Cook)
Set the oven to cook for a specific length of time
using the Timed Cook feature. This feature can only
be used with the Bake, Conv . Bake and Conv . Roast
Setting th e Cook T ime Function
For exa mple, to bake at 30 0 ° F for 30 minutes, first
set the clock to the correct time of day.
Turn the oven mode knob to select the Bake
mode. 350 ° F appears in the display.
Set the oven temperature. For this exa mple,
press minus( - ) until 30 0 ° F appears in the
Press Cook T ime. T imed flashes in the display.
Bake, 0 : 0 0 and 30 0 ° F appear in the display.
Set the baking time: press plus( + ) until 30 : 0 0
appears in the display. The baking time can be
set for any amount of time between 1 minute
and 1 1 hours and 59 minutes.
Press Start.
The oven will continue to cook for the set amount
of time and then turn off automatically. When the
cooking time has elapsed:
End and the time of day show in the display.
The cook end indicator tone sounds every 6 0
seconds until the oven mode knob is turned to the
O ff position.
Ch anging th e Cook T ime during Cooking
For exa mple, to change the cook time from 30
minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes, do the following.
Press Cook T ime.
Change the baking time: press plus( + ) until 1
hour and 30 minutes appears in the display.
Press Start to accept the change.
O v en Ligh t
The interior oven light automatically turns on when
the door is opened. Press O v en Ligh t to manually
turn on/ off the oven light.
The oven light cannot be turned on if the Self
Clean function is active.