User manual

And adjusting that will simply change the speed of the mouse cursor when you push the POV
in the appropriate direction, slow being to the left of the scale and fast being to the right.
However, clicking the Buttons option adds more options to configure, one for each position of
the hat switch.
It’s then simply a case of programming each position of the hat with the keystroke, macro or
advanced command that you wish to assign, in the same manner that you program the
buttons. Note that the centre position of the POV hat should generally be left unprogrammed
otherwise the POV will continually issue any command that you have assigned to it when it is
at rest in its centre position.
One slight problem with programming the hat is that you may end up with a problem with
‘sticky keys’. This is where a programmed function on a hat position doesn’t ‘let go’ when you
release the hat and the computer thinks that the assigned keystroke is still being issued. This
can usually be solved by using the tips in the following section, which also describes how to
configure the POV on the GM2/GM3 for movement.
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