User manual

Your mouse cursor will change so that it looks like a horizontal line with a vertical, double-
headed arrow running through it – don’t click anything yet!
The red line in the window represents the current position of the axis that you are
programming. In this case it is the rotary 1 on the X45 and if you move that axis on the actual
controller it will change the position of the red line.
What we are going to do is split the axis up into banded areas so that we can then assign
keyboard commands to those areas.
In the above example we are just going to create a simple bit of programming where moving
the rotary in one direction will give us an ‘A’ key press and moving it in the other will give us a
‘B’ key press. First we have to create our banded areas and this is done with the mouse. That
horizontal line with the arrow running through it indicates that where you next click in that
rotary area will set a ‘split point’.
You can see in the picture below that we have created a split point at the 70% mark on the
axis’ scale.
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