User manual

Activating the Profile
Activating the profile couldn’t be easier. Simply right click on the little joystick icon next to your
clock and you will now notice that the profile that you saved is at the top of the pop-up menu.
In the example below you can see that we called our profile ‘Test’.
If you then click your profile you will notice that the little joystick icon now has a green square
behind it, indicating that a profile has been loaded into the controller.
At any point, if you wish to clear the profile from your controller, simply right click the joystick
icon and click Clear Profile. The green circle will disappear indicating that the controller is now
cleared of any commands.
Testing the Profile
Once you have activated the profile you can test it. A good way to do this is to open up
Wordpad in Windows – when you then press the buttons on your controller the assigned
keystrokes will appear in Wordpad. Please note that this will only work with basic keys that
you would normally type into a word processor ie, letters, numbers and punctuation. The
function keys (F1, F2 etc) shift, alt and ctrl keys won’t print anything in a word processor
either. We will be including a profile tester in a later release of the programming software so
that you can test all keystrokes that you input into your profiles.
Printing the Profile
Once everything is programmed into your pad you may find yourself forgetting which
commands you have assigned to each button, especially if you have used shift modes.
Therefore we have included a printing facility in the software which produces a couple of
pages showing the buttons/hats/axes of the controller and which commands are assigned.
This will only be useful if you have named you commands as described in the simple
keystrokes section of this guide.
To print your profile out, simply load it into Profile Editor, click File at the top of the editor
window and then Print.
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