User Guide

You may choose to make flavored yogurt and add sugar,
honey, flavorings ,fruit, or other ingredients to taste just
prior to eating .
Yogurt flavored with preserved fruit
l 1/2 cup chopped preserved fruit
l 5 tablespoons of the syrup in which the fruit was preserved
l 5 tablespoons of unflavored yogurt or 1 tablespoon of culture
l 1 quart of milk
l Glass jar with screw-top
Heat the milk until it boils ( 176)ˈfor 1 to 2 minutes and starts to climb the side of the Saucepan.
Remove the saucepan from heat and allow the milk to cool to lukewarm (104).
To accelerate the cooling down, place the saucepan in cold water. Beat together the culture and milk
until smooth .
Add the syrup while beating.
Stir in the chopped fruit.
Transfer mixture into glass jars, and close with screw-top.
Remove some trays from dehydrator and place jars inside.
Dehydrate for 8 to 12 hours.
Do not stir or check yogurt during this time.
Once dehydrating is done, place in fridge. Yogurt will thicken as it cools.
Tip: The dehydrate time depend on the size of the jar and the type of yoghurt you used
as the starter. The larger the container the longer the fermentation time. If the yoghurt isn’t quite set,
place back in the Dehydrator for another hour. Repeat until the yoghurt is set. Remember that the
yoghurt will firm up more once it’s refrigerated.
TIP: If you like thicker yoghurt place the fermented yoghurt in muslin. Hang and allow the excess liquid
to drip out. Leave for an hour and what remains inside the muslin is thick Greek yoghurt.
TIP: Because homemade yoghurt doesn’t have any preservatives or stabilizer, the
yoghurt will separate when stored in the refrigerator. Give it a quick stir and it will
be thick and creamy again.
TIP: If your finished yoghurt is too thin and sour tasting you have left it in the Dehydrator for too long.