
Ausgabe 22.09.2017 Copyright by Joy-IT 2
RPi - Explorer700
1. Connecons
2. Connecng the extension board
3. LED Exampe - Changing the LED Status
4. Key Example
5. PCF8574 Example - I/O Extension Demos
6. BMP180 Example - Barometer Demos
7. DS3231 Example - Real-Time-Clock Demos
8. DS18B20 Example - Temperature Sensor Demos
9. IRM Example - Infrared reecng sensor program
10. UART Example - Receiving serial data
11. OLED Example
12. Installing the addional libraries
12.1 wiringPi Library
12.2 BCM2835 - C Library
12.3 Python Library
12.4 Congurang the interfaces
13. Code Example Download
14. Support