
Ausgabe 22.09.2017 Copyright by Joy-IT 3
RPi - Explorer700
1 Raspberry Pi GPIO interface: to connect with Raspberry Pi
2 USB to UART: control the Pi with serial terminal
3 AD/DA IO interface: screw terminal
4 1-WIRE interface: to connect 1-WIRE devices like DS18B20
5 Sensor interface: to connect various sensors
6 0.96 inch OLED: SSD1306 driver, 128x64 resoluon, SPI interface
7 Buzzer
8 CP2102: USB to UART converter
9 PCF8591: 8 bit AD/DA converter I2C interface
10 BMP180: pressure sensor, I2C interface
11 PCF8574: I/O expension chip, I2C interface
12 DS3231: Real-Time-Clock chip, I2C interface
13 Power indicator
14 Joysck
15 Joysck
16 LFN0038K IR receiver
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