
SECURITHOR Network Edition
The architecture of STnet is based around a central server. This server
can range from a typical PC to a high availability server depending
on the traffic and uptime you require. SECURITHOR server can run
under regular OS or Server versions depending on expected traffic.
Connected workstations operate under Windows XP, VISTA or 7.
The server is strictly used for the database hosting and serving
and some automatic operations such as schedule checks, log-
ging and emailing. Communication with receivers is either on
the server, dedicated PC on local network or distributed through
New SQL engine for SECURITHOR
In designing SECURITHOR, we made sure to use SQL engine and
database. SQL respects the 4 S we are looking for: Strength, Saf-
ery, Stability, Speed.
SECURITHOR is powered by PostgreSQL. This SQL engine has been
around for 15 years and it is supported by a large community of develop-
ers. But the best is that it is
free to use so you do not have
to add a pricey Microsoft SQL
or MySQL license to the cost
of your Monitoring software.
SECURTHOR comes with all necessary SQL tools and installation of the SQL
engine is part of SECURITHOR installer.
Compatible with Windows XP, VISTA and 7
SECURITHOR was started with Windows XP and VISTA
in mind. It is now working with Windows 7 and ready for
W8. SECURITHOR is regularly tested on all 4 operating
systems. MCDI uses Microsoft made development tools
to insure the utmost compatibility. SECURITHOR takes
advantage of the Microsoft .NET framework and all nec-
essary components are part of windows or supplied and
installed by SECURITHOR installer.
Advanced Graphical User Interface
SECURITHOR desktop is stretchable up to 2048x1152 and most SECURI-
THOR menus have a hide and show feature to gain direct access on the
desktop without having to go through a maze of menus.
Each operator can customize his own workspace, place menus and forms
of SECURITHOR as he wishes by simply dragging and docking on the work-
space. This way every operator can optimize his own SECURITHOR for
more efficiency. Settings are remembered for each operator when he logs
IP input
SECURITHOR is the plateform of choice for MCDI new EXTRIUM receivers
with IP reporting. All Extrium line receivers can report to SECURITHOR over IP.
SECURITHOR is supplied with IP interface for RIGHTKEY IP/GPRS receiv-
ers and is also compatible with NV GPRS Server. Compatible with most IP
receiving software.
Migration and discounts from SAMM and WinSAMM
If you own a SAMM or WinSAMM, you can receive a special discount and
migrate to SECURITHOR easily using the supplied shareware migration tools.
Most of SAMM/WinSAMM client data is converted to SECURITHOR so you
can start using SECURITHOR rapidly as operators re-training is kept to a
minimum. Inquire to MCDI about special discounts to migrate.
STM ST mobile viewer allows Supervisors
to view over the Web Key Status such as
number of events received, emailed/sent
by SMS, logged operators, last 100 events
and 10 most received events in 24 hours.
Works with most web servers or can be hosted
free on MCDI’s web servers. Made for iPhone, iPad
and most web enabled modern devices sporting 320 pixels width. Works
with most desktop web browsers supporting WebKit.
STM is standard in STnet and add-on for ST1.
PPP - PC Panic button for PC
With PPP, a Central station can distribute Virtual Panic buttons
for PC to all subscribers. Virtual Panic Buttons are supplied with
PPP and installed in Subscriber’s Windows PC. Subscribers just
need to press their secret keyboard combination and a Panic
Signal is sent silently over IP to the Alarm Re-
ceiving Centre. Many Virtual Panic Buttons can be installed
at the same location. PPP makes it easy to configure and
distribute a Panic button app personalized for each sub-
scriber and with IP information to reach the Central already
PPP is an add-on module for ST1 and included in ST Network Edition.
Integrated help and training options
Help menus are integrated in SECURITHOR. Helps
menus are displayed in training mode and disabled
when using the Advanced mode. One to one web
training sessions are also available from MCDI sup-
port staff with support plans.