
Phsae Sequencer
The unit with Scroll Compressor can only rotate in one direction. For this reason, a protective device (phase
sequencer) is fitted to prevent incorrect wiring of the electrical phases. When the three phases are not
connected correctly, the phase sequencer operates, and the unit will not start. This devise is located in the
control box of the outdoor unit.
The following table shows the LED indicator light for phase sequencer under normal operation and fault conditions.
Normal Operation On - - -
Reverse Phase Blink Blink Blink Blink
S & T Phase Missing Blink - Blink Blink
T Phase Missing Blink - - Blink
S Phase Missing Blink - Blink -
R Phase Missing - - - -
Overload Blink - - -
Sensor Missing Blink On On On
Notes: 1. “-” means LED off.
2. When R phase missing, no LED or buzzer will indicate the error, but relay 71 (Common) and 81 (NO)
will cut off.
3. The unit will check the discharge sensor availability only during power up.
4. All errors can only recover through manually reset.