Product Catalog

Sky and Telescope says, “I came away from my DSI experience wondering why anyone with a telescope and
a computer wouldnt want to own one of these cameras. [They are] one of the best values in astronomical
imaging available today. If youve always wanted to take detailed color photos of faint nebulas, galaxies, and
star clusters but found the astrophotography learning curve a little too steep, Meades DSI is for you.
Consider the story (now legendary in Meade circles) of Matt Taylor, who decided to try out his DSI on
M51, set the exposure time to 30 seconds, fell asleep, and woke up an hour later to find a beautiful image of
the Whirlpool Galaxy on his computer screen. While Matts snooze approach is not recommended, many
amateurs echo the sentiments of Hilary Jones who says, on my first night out, I found I could photograph
several deep sky targets with very little effort.”
If youre comparing the DSI to Johnny-come-lately knock-offs, consider its unique design advantages. These
include convection cooling and other proprietary noise reduction techniques (which combine to allow longer
exposures with less noise and more data). Meade AutoStar Suite is also the easiest and most intuitive imaging
software on the market. Finally, zero compression means no loss of information in your raw images.
Here are just a few of DSIs amazing features:
+ One pass color imaging. No filters required.
+ CCD sensitivity comparable to imagers in the $1000+ range.
+ Doubles as a sensitive, user-friendly auto-guider.
+ Fast transfer speed lets you see images in almost real time.
+ Software includes image processing. You wont need other
programs to adjust color saturation or balance.
First time user, George Lilley says, Ill never forget watching the Ring Nebula (M57) appear on my screen.
The DSI helps first-timers like me take images that show detail no eyepiece could ever deliver. Chuck Reese
adds, After a few weeks with the DSI, I know two things: I love CCD astrophotography, and it will be years
before the DSI becomes the limiting factor in my ability to create the caliber of images I want.
Deep Sky Imager (DSI). Capture the universe in stunning detail.
Im sold! I was able to capture incredible images my first night out. The DSI
has reignited my passion for astronomy. Peter OBrien
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