Product Catalog

Galaxies, nebulas, and star clusters. The complete Index Catalog ( IC ).
Galaxies, nebulas, and star clusters. The complete New General
Catalog ( NGC ).
Best objects for small telescopes from the Caldwell Catalog.
Messier objects. The complete Messier catalog.
Stars from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory ( SAO ) catalog.
Including double stars, variable stars, and other stars of special note.
Earth-orbiting satellites.
Bright asteroids.
Visible periodic comets.
Moon and planets. All the major ones from Mercury to dwarf planet Pluto.
5 , 3 86
7, 8 4 0
16, 80 0
5 0
Yo u r push-b u t t on guide to t h e u n i ver se.
You ca n se e mo re in o ne n ig ht with A ut oS tar t ha n th e
av er age beg in ne r wi ll se e in a l if etime w it ho ut i t .
Fro m the b re at ht aki ng r in gs of Sat ur n to l esser - kn ow n
ob je cts lik e th e Ri ng Ne bu la i n Ly ra or t he S pi ra l
Ga la xy i n Tr iangu lu m , Au to Sta r sh atters th e le ar ning
cu r ve and ma ke s as tronomy f un f or ever y on e.
Deluxe AutoStar Objects
The universe is full of wonders. But what if you don’t have
the slightest clue how to nd them? No problem. Just let a
Meade AutoStar computer-guided telescope nd them for
you. Want to see a hard-to-nd deep space galaxy? Push a
button. The same goes for planets, stars, nebulas and more.
Just pick the object you want to see, press GoTo, and AutoStar
will put the object right in your eyepiece automatically.
You’ll discover whole new worlds you never knew existed.
All you need is a clear night, a dark sky, and a little curiosity.
But I dont even know what there is to see.
Don’t worry. Select the “Tonight’s Best
tour and AutoStar
will automatically select the best objects in the sky for
your current time and location and take you on a guided
tour. But AutoStar does more than nd things for you. It
also has a built-in encyclopedia that can teach you about
the objects you are viewing with scrolling details about
distance, mass, chemical makeup, history, and prominent
features. AutoStars 30,000 object database (1,400 with Basic
AutoStar #494) makes the night sky come alive.
AutoStar grows with you.
AutoStar Update lets you connect to the internet to download new software versions (#497 only), special
guided tours, and timely objects like satellites and comets right to your AutoStar controller. All for free. You
can also learn to create and download personalized tours of your favorite objects. So your AutoStar will get
better and better with no added investment but your time.
Keeps objects in the eyepiece.
With a manual telescope, the earth’s rotation causes objects to move quickly out of your eld of view. Not with AutoStar.
It tracks objects automatically, keeping them dead center in your eyepiece for viewing or astrophotography.
On every gadget lovers wish list.
Computers and telescopes are a match made in heaven. If youre someone who must have the latest cell
phone, digital camera, GPS device, or MP3 player, but have yet to experience the magic of computer-guided
astronomy, we expect to hear from you soon.
Basic AutoStar #494
1,400 objects
Deluxe AutoStar #497
Over 30,000 objects