Product Catalog

The coolest thing we saw in Mexico was Saturn.”
Ever get so far away from the city that the stars look like you
could reach out and touch them? Wish you could get just a little
closer? Now you can. The ultra-portable ETX-80 is the perfect
campground observatory. Its ideal for camping, hiking, picnics,
the beach, vacations, or any other time you want to connect with
nature and the universe.
The smallest ETX has big advantages.
If aperture is so important, why buy the smallest ETX? Besides
its low cost, this is simply a great telescope. Unlike the rest of the
ETX line, it is a refractor (pg. 45). To you, this means an ultra-
lightweight, portable telescope with just the right amount of
aperture to see hundreds of the brightest astronomy targets in all
their glory. It has many of the computer-guided advantages of its
big brothers. Its the perfect scope for daytime bird and nature
watching too.
What can you see? Practically everything.
Large aperture telescopes are awesome, but how likely are you to
lug them out to your favorite dark sky location? Remember, more
aperture lets you see fainter objects. In a different way, so does
getting away from the city lights. You can study craters on the
moon, the rings of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter, plus hundreds of
galaxies, nebulas, double stars, clusters, you name it. The ETX-80
gathers 246% more distant star light than Galileos telescope.