Technical data

Chapter 2 File 10
Printer Setup
Displays the Printer Setup dialog box which allows the selection of any of the currently installed printers.
By selecting the Setup button, the Setup dialog box for the current printer is displayed. You can alter the settings for
printer using its setup dialog. To make the highlighted printer the default printer, you must click on the “Set As
Default Printer” button. If you do change the default printer, remember this may affect other applications run
subsequently on your computer.
Page Setup
Displays the Page Setup dialog box which allows you to control headers, footers and margins that will be used in
printing your star maps.
Set Custom Catalogs
The Set Custom Catalogs dialog box allows you to select the user data files to be used in drawing the starmap. You
can create unique data files for each of your different projects, or import any popular astronomical catalog and
imcorporate it into your star map displays.