Technical data

Chapter 3 Time 15
own latitude and longitude coordinates. If you enter your own coordinates (or modify predefined values) the Time
Display will show User Specified Location instead of the actual location name. This assures that only the predefined
(and correct) coordinates are used if you are sending requests to an actual observatory.
If you have entered your own coordinates or wish to change the status of Daylight Savings, you can access the Set
Timezone dialog box directly by pushing the Set Timezone button.
Save Parameters
Selecting the Save Parameters item from the Time menu allows to save the location, coordinates and timezone
information in the AutostarSuite.INI file. This file is located in your current Windows directory. This file contains
information so that the next time you run Autostar Suite, it will begin with your desired values.
Note: Other Autostar Suite information is automatically added to the AutostarSuite.INI file as the program runs. The
Save Parameters function only saves the location parameters, which are NOT saved by default.