Technical data

Chapter 7 Telescope 34
The Menu Tree at the left allows you to look at the entire Autostar menu at once. To access a particular function, all
you need to do is click on the terminal menu item (menu items without a plus or minus next to them). It is fast and
saves a lot of keytrokes.
When the Autostar is requesting data, data can be entered from the PC keyboard. Additionally the PC arrow keys act
like the scroll buttons on the keypad. The ENTER key on your PC keyboard acts as the ENTER key on the handbox.
The ESC key on your keyboard will behave like the MODE key on the handbox. Alternatively, you can use you mouse
on the virtual keys on the screen.
A Talking Telescope/Port Sharing
If you check the Speech Enable box, everything displayed on your Autostar Handbox will be spoken by your PC’s
sound card. This is a great feature for tours and extended descriptions, you no longer need to take you eye out of the
eyepiece to get an explanation of the object you are viewing.
Control Panel
When you are connect to your telescope, the Control Panel menu items becomes active. Selecting this menu item
opens a floating dialog box similar to the one shown below. It lets you access the basic controls on your telescope. For
complete control of the Autostar, you should use the Remote Handbox. This feature is primarily for the support of
older model LX200 telescopes by the Autostar Suite.