Technical data

Autostar IP
useful for delineating areas of similar brightness to enhance the overall shape of an object such as a
comet or nebula.
Before committing to the scaling function that you have selected, you can Preview the image by pressing
the Preview button, you then have the option to select OK , Cancel , or try another scaling function.
The Palettes dialog box allows you to modify the original palette of the image or to change the palette to
completely different sets of colors
The pushbuttons at the top of the dialog box loads a new palette and resets the positions of the Start
Color and Width scroll bars.
The Original button resets the palette to the values that were contained in the original image
The 16 Color button loads the standard 16 colors into the palette. This is useful on VGA systems that are
running in 16 color mode. The normal hardware palette values in VGA only support 3 shades of gray, but,
by using the 16 Color palette and selecting the Grayscale Palette from the Options menu, a full
grayscale of 16 colors can be used. This option changes ALL colors on the display (including all other
windows) while in a standard VGA 16 color mode!
The 16 Spectrum button builds a set of 16 colors that smoothly transition from Black, Blue, Green, Red
and ending with White. The appearance of this palette varies depending on the current video driver.
The 256 Gray button constructs a unique grayscale palette that emulates a full 256 color grayscale. The
standard Extended or Super VGA 256 color modes only support 64 different shades of gray. Using this
new palette results in a smoother image compared to the 64 shades palette. This is accomplished by
using color values that vary slightly from the pure gray colors. These off-color values are used to fill-in the
steps between the 64 pure gray values. If the Night Vision feature is active the 256 Gray button
becomes 256 Red which allows the image to be displayed in red to preserve your night vision.
The 256 Spectrum button constructs a 256 color palette that smoothly transitions from Black, Blue,
Green, Red and ends with White. This palette is especially useful for bringing out subtle detail in the
NOTE: The 256 color palettes, when used in a 16 color mode, will display dithered colors that approximate
the actual values. Their appearance in the image may differ greatly depending on the 16 color driver that
is currently in use.
Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow buttons construct single color pallet that terminate in white.