Technical data

Autostar IP
1. Installation
Autostar IP is installed as part of Meade’s Autostar Suite. If you have not yet installed the Suite, consult
the quickstart instructions for the complete instructions.
Typcially, when the Autostar Suite CD ROM is inserted in your computer it will automatically begin the
install process. If your system has “autoplay” disabled, click on START, then click on RUN. When the run
dialog box appears, type
A:SETUP then press Enter.
The Setup program will prompt you for the desired drive and path in which to install the program and data
files. Then it will begin uncompressing the files from the distribution disks and copying them to the
appropriate locations on the Hard disk. Make sure you have at least 60 Megabytes of free space on the
destination drive.
Once the installation is complete, Meade Autostar IP will be ready to help you begin processing your own