Installation guide

Appendix E: Household Practices: Dos & Dont’s
When we take a bath, put the washing machine on or flush the toilet few of us stop to consider what happens to the waste water and
sewage. It simply goes down the drain or waste pipe and is no longer our concern. But if your drains lead to a packaged treatment plant,
environment and even facing possible prosecution as a result.
What is sewage?
Sewage is made up of not just the organic waste from toilets but also the chemicals and waste water from everyday activities such as wash-
ing, cleaning, cooking and washing clothes and dishes. The sewage from bathrooms, kitchens and toilets collects in a series of drains that
feed to a sewer. In most households or commercial premises the sewage flows away through a series of sewers and is treated at a large-
scale sewage treatment works. However, for houses and premises in remote or isolated locations where no mains drainage is available,
other options such as cesspools or septic tanks and treatment plants have traditionally been used.
Weekly Inspections
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 
cloudy or contains suspended particles contact your maintenance provider.
Think before you put anything down the sink, toilet or drains.
Tell your guests/visitors/staff that you have a specialist sewage treatment plant and tell them how they can avoid harming it.
Spread your clothes washing throughout the week
Stick to the same washing, dishwasher powders and other cleaning products - the bacteria in the plant will work more efficiently with
products they are used to
Use liquid cleaners for clothes washing and for dishwashers sparingly.
Spring clean and use large amounts of cleaners and chemicals in one day
Have a “washing day” - spread your washing throughout the week
Use household bleach and other strong chemicals indiscriminately
Keep changing your brands of household cleaners and washing powders
Tip bottles of medicine, mouth wash etc. down the toilet
Put sanitary towels, tampons, disposable nappies, baby wipes, cotton wool, incontinence pads etc. down the toilet
Over flush
Pour fat or grease from cooking down the sink or drains
Change the oil in your chip pan and pour it down the sink
Use a waste disposal unit
Pour garden chemicals or car engine oil down the drains