Installation guide

Firstly you need to find out the level of hardness of your local water (see section on water softeners). Once you know how hard or
soft your water is you can read the label on your laundry detergent and decide how much to use. The aim is to minimise the amount
of detergent you use to limit its impact on the treatment plant whilst ensuring you get the best results from your wash.
 
results from having the liquid in the heart of the wash; a liquid is already in suspension and therefore gets to work”
quicker and it reduces the amount of product left in the washing machine dispenser or lost on its journey to the drum.
 
bleach (such as the one produced by Ecover).
 
dirtiness of your washing. This is particularly important if you are using concentrated” or compact” liquids or powders
because it is easy for your hand to slip and for you to use far too much.
 
be tempted to overload as this will not produce a good wash and could damage your machine in the longer term. A
correctly loaded machine should have enough space for you to put your hand in to place the liquid ball on top of the
 
However, it is not a good idea to do regular very hot washes as this could raise the plant temperature and affect the
bacterial process.
 
have a “wash day” as this could produce too much water for the plant to handle in one go. Try to spread your washing
throughout the week.
Your dishwasher cleaner is probably the most aggressive” cleaning product in your household. It needs to be to make greasy
plates sparkling and squeaky” clean as the advertisers promise. It is therefore all the more important that you stick carefully to the
understood to be more efficient.
Most dishwashers use salt as a water softener - try to ensure the salt dispenser is always topped up because soft water increases
the efficiency of the cleaning product and enables you to use only the minimum dosage of cleaner.
German dishwasher manufacturers, who pride themselves on their low-water energy-saving machines, recommend that you do
not rinse your washing up under the hot tap before putting it in the dishwasher. Although this is a traditionally common practice
dishwashers and their cleaning products are now so effective that this is unnecessary - you are merely wasting energy and hot
recommended dosage and use only small quantities on a regular basis they should not have any adverse effect on the treatment
the efficiency of the plant and destroy some of the bacteria. If the bacteria are harmed or killed they will eventually breed and come
back but in the meantime your plant would not be operating for days - depending on the amount of chemicals used.