User guide

A1c - Glycosylated hemoglobin
A1c Test - Hemoglobin A1c test, used to interpret blood glucose level over a period of time.
Area Under the Curve (AUC) - Indicates the amount in high and low excursions as determined by preset
values. Excursion data indicates the frequency of highs or lows. AUC indicates the magnitude of events
by showing how far out of range and for how long.
Audio bolus - The pump can be programmed so the user hears a beep when they select a bolus insulin
amount (0.5 or 1.0 units) to be delivered. This is useful for situations when it is difficult to see the
buttons on the pump.
Basal insulin - An hourly, continuous infusion of insulin delivered automatically by an insulin pump
based on preprogrammed profiles and personalized rates set in the pump. The pump delivers a daily
infusion of insulin that typically covers background insulin needs during periods of fasting (such as
overnight and between meals).
Basal patterns - The user can program up to three different basal rate patterns into their pump for the
delivery of basal insulin: Standard, A, and B. For each pattern there is the option of setting up to 48
basal rates.
Basal profile - A basal rate with a start and stop time. The user can program several different profiles
into their pump, each with a different basal rate, during a 24 hour period of time to achieve better
glucose control.
Basal rate - The pump setting that provides a continuous infusion of insulin to keep the blood glucose
stable between meals and during the night. Basal insulin mimics pancreatic insulin delivery—which
meets all the body's non-food related insulin needs.
BG - Abbreviation for Blood Glucose
Bolus insulin - A dose of insulin given to cover an expected rise in blood glucose (such as the rise after
a meal or a snack) or to lower a high blood glucose down to target range.
Cal Reminder - The pump will trigger a Meter BG By HH:MM alarm automatically every 12 hours, signaling
that the current calibration value is no longer valid. The value of the Cal Reminder is the amount of
time before the current calibration value expires by which the user wants to be reminded to calibrate.
For example, if the Cal Reminder is set to 2 hours, the Meter BG By HH:MM alarm will occur 2 hours
before calibration is required.
Carb ratio (carbohydrate ratio) - The amount of carbohydrates covered by one unit of insulin. (Also
see exch ratio.)
CareLink Pro User Guide Glossary 59