User guide

Table Of Contents
METER BG BY alert will occur
two hours before the
calibration is required.
Calibrate - Check, adjust, or set
to a standard (calibrate your
Circumstance - A condition or
fact that has an effect on an
Contraindication - A condition
that makes a specific
treatment or procedure NOT
advisable. A contraindication
is literally contra- (against) an
indication, against something
that is indicated as advisable
or necessary.
Default - A setting or value for
your monitor that is assigned
automatically by your system.
Some default settings cannot
be changed; other default
settings remain in effect until
you change them.
Diabetes mellitus - A group of
metabolic diseases featuring
high blood glucose (sugar)
levels, caused by problems
with insulin production. It is
generally called Type 1 or
Type 2 diabetes and was first
identified as a disease about
2,000 years ago. It was called
"sweet urine" at that time
because high blood glucose
levels spill glucose into the
urine. Normally, insulin, a
hormone produced in the
pancreas, controls blood
glucose levels, but diabetics
either do not produce insulin
or their insulin does not work
properly. Diabetes cannot be
cured, but it can be
controlled through
medication, diet and
Discard - Throw into the trash.
Dressing - A therapeutic or
protective material that is put
over your sensor.
Electromagnetic compatibility -
The condition that exists
when systems and devices
that use electromagnetic
energy operate properly
without causing or suffering
accidental electromagnetic
interference to or from other
electromagnetic devices.
Electrostatic discharge - The
rapid, spontaneous transfer of
electrostatic charge induced
by a high electrostatic field.
The charge usually flows
through a spark, known as
static discharge, between two
objects at different
electrostatic levels as they
approach each other (for
example, when people touch
each other after dragging
their feet on a carpet).
Fingerstick - One method used
to test blood glucose by
taking a sample of blood for
testing from a finger using a
lancet or automatic finger
puncture device.
Generate - create a result (your
monitor will generate a
Glucose - See Blood glucose.
Glucose Limits - These are the
high and low Glucose Limits
recommended by your
healthcare professional. In
the Guardian CS CGM System,
a glucose limit is actually a
pair consisting of one high
limit and one low limit. You
can set up the system so that
you receive an alert when the
sensor glucose measurements
reach or exceed your glucose
High Glucose alert - This alert
occurs when the sensor
glucose measurements reach
or exceed (go above) your
high glucose limit. You have
the option of turning this
alert on or off.