Product specifications

530.PROD.GB.3 : 530.GEN.MOD_XCHNG.STORE.NONE.GB.1 Black,White 40
40©, MEI., 1994.
530 Changegiver Product Maintenance Handbook
7 Set the tube low count to 1 coin greater than the coins
that remained in the tube in 6 above.
To ensure the correct tube low count is reached steps 3 - 6 should
be repeated several times.
Note: Check that the float level set (address 251 - 253) is at least 5
coins greater than the number of coins actually in the tube.
1 Set the minimum safe count number (address 281 - 283)
to 3 (6 coins).
2 Set the tube low count number to the same number that
you used in 7 above.
3 Repeat steps 3 to 6 of the ‘setting tube low counts’.
You should have six coins ± 1 left in the tube each time you repeat
steps 3 to 6.
Note: Check that coins dispense correctly.
If problems occur increase the minimum safe count to 4 (8 coins).
The ‘minimum safe count’ MUST be a lower number of coins than
the ‘low count’).
1 Measure the diameter and thickness of the coin (in mm).
2 The tube full count =
160 - Coin Diameter
Coin Thickness
3 From the result of 2 above round the number down to
the next whole number.
4 Set the tube full count using the rounded down number
(address 261 - 263)
5 Float coins to the tube via the acceptor until coins
overflow to the cashbox.
6 Remove the coin storage cassette or dispense the coins
manually. Check that the total coins held in the tube
agree with the tube full number ± 2 coins.