User guide

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Special features
Held Call Clearing
This feature allows both the active call and held call to be released when the user of a Meridian 1
proprietary telephone replaces the handset. Pressing the Release key only releases the active call.
1. Place the handset of your Meridian 1 propietary telephone on-hook to release both the active and
held call.
Pressing the key only releases the active call.
Privacy Release
Privacy Release allows someone who shares your extension to join your call.
To use Privacy Release:
1. Press during a call. The person can now join in by pressing the DN key beside the
flashing .
Radio Paging
This feature is not available in all areas. and on all systems.
Your Meridian 1 system may be equipped with an on-site Radio Paging system. You may use the
Radio Paging FFCs to alert the pager of a person to whom you wish to speak. If you stay on the line,
the paged person may answer the call by entering a special Paging “meet me” code from any
Meridian 1 extension.
Radio Paging Access:
Automatic Pre - selection (“Meet me” paging).
You wish to contact a person. They either do not have a Meridian extension, or they are unlikely to
answer if their DN is called. You wish to directly alert their radio paging device.
1. Lift the handset. You hear dial tone.
2. Enter the Radio Paging FFC. You hear paging dial tone.
3. Enter the DN of the party to be paged. You hear ringback/ring tone.
Note 1:
While ringback/ring tone is heard, the person you have paged may proceed to any Meridian
extension and enter a Radio Paging Answer code plus their own DN to be connected
directly to you.
Note 2:
If your call is not answered within a preset time period you will hear a continuous high
pitched tone for fifteen seconds, then silence. Hang up and try again later.