Instructions / Assembly

3. Remove all sanding dust.
4. To help ensure uniform acceptance of stain color and beautiful results,
pretreat new or raw wood with oil-based Minwax® Pre-Stain Wood
Conditioner, following label directions.
For Previously Stained Wood That Is Not Being Stripped:
1. Before starting, surface must be dry, clean and free of dirt, grease and
2. Lightly sand the wood to ensure adhesion. Remove all sanding dust.
1. Stir Minwax® PolyShades® thoroughly before and occasionally during
use. Do not thin.
2. Always test stain on a scrap piece or hidden area of wood to verify
desired color.
1. Using a natural bristle brush, dip approximately an inch into the can,
gently tapping it against the inside to remove any excess. Apply a
very THIN, even coat following the direction of the grain. Make sure to
maintain a "wet" edge.
2. To minimize the brush marks and bubbles after staining, tip off the
surface by holding the brush at a 45 degree angle and lightly run the
bristles over the entire length of the wood.
3. Let the first coat dry for 6 hours or more. Dry time may be extended due
to high humidity, low temperatures, and inadequate ventilation or if the
coat is applied too thick.
4. Rub the surface lightly with fine steel wool (grade 000 or finer). Remove
all dust. Brush on a second thin coat following directions above. To
deepen the color, apply a third coat.