
Water cooled systems can be used even in buildings
that are taller than 50m by running a main water pipe
through each floor.
Any heat source system that can supply heat source
water between 10°C~45°C can be used.
Simultaneous heating and cooling operation is available.
(WR2 series)
It is suggested that Water-Cooled systems are used in the
buildings in which there are heating and cooling needs as follows.
Buildings that require all year cooling
Tenant buildings in which kitchens and offices exist together
Buildings in which equipment rooms and offices exist together
Buildings in which there are large room temperature
differences between sunny and unsunny rooms
Hotels in which there are a lot of individual operation needs
Water cooled systems are ideally suited for use in temperate and
cooler climates since heat exchange with the outside air is not
Water Cooled CITY MULTI Benefits
What is Water-Cooled?
It is possible now to combine the features of VRF with a water circuit using CITY
MULTI WR2/WY. In this case the heat is rejected to a water source rather than to
the outside air.
The advantages of water cooled systems are that the water can be delivered at
optimised temperatures and volumes, which allows even greater flexibility and
increased COP.
WR2(Heat recovery type)
>A unique offering from Mitsubishi Electric
Mitsubishi Electric now offers double heat recovery operation.
The first heat recovery is within the refrigerant system. Simultaneous cooling and heating operation is available
with heat recovery performed between indoor units.
The second heat recovery is within the water loop, where heat recovery is performed between the PQRY units.
This double heat recovery operation substantially improves energy efficiency and makes the system the ideal
solution to the requirements of modern office buldings, where some areas require cooling even in winter.
E nergy Saving Technology
Director's room
Heat source unit
Meeting room
BC controller
Meeting room
Equipment room
Water piping
Indoor units
Indoor units
Heat source unit
BC controller
Double heat recovery (WR2)
Heat recovery
Heat recovery
Heat recovery
Refrigerant Circuit
Equipment room