
Error Code List
Name Description
0x00 Success Service was successfully performed by the object specified.
0x02 Resource unavailable
Resources needed for the object to perform the requested service were
0x04 Path segment error
The path segment identifier or the segment syntax was not understood by the
processing node.
0x05 Path destination unknown
The path referencing an object class and instance or structure element is not
known or is not contained in the processing node.
0x07 Connection lost The messaging connection was lost.
0x08 Service not supported
The requested service was not implemented or was not defined for this
Object Class/Instance.
0x09 Invalid attribute value The requested service has an error in attribute data.
0x0A Attribute list error
An attribute in the Get_Attribute_List or Set_Attribute_List responsse has a
non-zero status.
Already in requested mode/
The object is already in the mode/state being requested by service.
0x0C Object state conflict The object cannot perform the requested service in its current mode/ state.
0x0D Object already exist The requested instance of object to be created already exists.
0x0E Attribute not settable A request to modify a non-modifiable attribute was received.
0x0F Privilege violation A permission /privilege check failed
0x10 Device state conflict
The device's current mode/state prohibits the execution of the requested