Instruction manual

6.5 Inverter Basic Functions
6.5.1 Inverter input signal (network input SNVT_state nviInvInputSig)
A 16-bit-wide input signal to the inverter.
The initial value of all bits are"0".
Data acceptance timing........... At network variable receive (nv_update_occurs event)
Bit Signal Name Description
0 Forward rotation command *2
0: Stop command
1: Forward rotation start
A starting command is input to the
inverter when the signal turns to 1.
A stop command is given when both
signals turn to 1 simultaneously.
1 Reverse rotation command
0: Stop command
1: Reverse rotation start
High-speed operation command
(terminal RH function)
Functions assigned to terminals RH, RM and RL are activated.3
Middle-speed operation command
(terminal RM function)
Low-speed operation command
(terminal RL function)
5 Not used Always 0
6 Second function selection (RT signal)
*3 1: Second function is selected
7 Terminal 4 input selection (AU signal)
*3 1: Terminal 4 input is the main speed setting
8 Not used Always 0
9 Output stop (terminal MRS function)
*1 Functions assigned to terminal MRS is activated.
10 Not used Always 0
11 Inverter reset (terminal RES function)
*1 Functions assigned to terminal RES is activated.*4
12 to 15 Not used System reserved