User manual

The MIDI Monitor
To access the 'MIDI Monitor' view, click the 'MIDI Monitor' button. The 'MIDI Monitor' allows you to view all MIDI data that is
coming into or out of the Host and Editor. By default the view will show MIDI In/Out data from the Editor MIDI data path. You
can switch between Host and Editor MIDI In and MIDI Out views independently. The colors of messages are related to the
color coding found in the 'MIDI Setup' diagram. The 'Clear' button will clear the data in that view. The log view will show up
to 1500 messages before clearing itself automatically. You can copy the data in the log view to other applications if
necessary. The 'All' button will select and automatically copy to the clipboard that entire view's data. You can turn on/off the
view with the button on the right.