User manual

recommended that you use only the 'Patch Manager' to load and save .FXB/.FXP files, as some Hosts may add data to the
header of the file and this may corrupt the interpretation of the file when reloading it.
The Patch Randomizer
The Patch randomizer allows you to easily create randomly generated Patches. Note that randomization applies to the
currently selected Patch and will overwrite the existing Editor Patch data. The randomized Patch will also be sent to the
Synth. The Patch name will be changed to 'Random #', so you know it has been changed. You may want to rename the
randomized Patch. Press the 'RAND' button to randomize a Patch.
Working With Patches
How Patches work
A Patch in the Editor represents a Patch on the Synth. When you change Patches in the Editor, the Patch data is sent to the
Synth in the form of MIDI CC messages. As a result, this data is sent to the Synth, but NOT permanently stored in the Synth.