User manual

Thank you for choosing the Moog Music VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™. The VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ (referred to in this
manual as 'Editor') is a real-time MIDI Synth Editor that allows you full control of every parameter of the sound on the Moog
Music Little Phatty™ and Slim Phatty™ synthesizers (referred to in this manual as 'Synth') running the latest OS 3.12.680 or
above. With it, you can view, manage and edit all your Patches with detail on the computer, visually. All parameters are fully
automatable in your favorite 32 bit or 64 bit VST or Audio Unit DAW Host (referred to in this manual as 'Host') . Please see
product web page for current DAW Host support. This gives you the ability to visually program the Little Phatty or Slim
Phatty to your music via the Host sequencer. This ability to model your Synth Patches in real-time, inside your main music
production environment is part of what makes the VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ unique when compared to other hardware
Synth Editors. If you don't need or use a DAW Host, you can still manage the Patches with the Standalone version. The
VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ is developed and supported by reKon audio (
Complete Synth Editor
The VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ is a visual editor allowing you to view and edit every parameter of a Little Phatty or Slim
Phatty Patch and supports the all the latest Little Phatty OS version 3.12.680 parameters. All knobs send and receive in
14bit precision mode (0-4095) and are step-able in increments of 1 using the mouse scroll wheel.
Advanced Patch Librarian
The VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ includes an advanced 'Patch Manager' view that allows you to rename and arrange
Patches to create your Bank. Drag and drop Patches where you want them with a complete overview of the Bank in either
Swap, Copy, or Move mode. You can load and save your Patches and Banks as standard .FXB/.FXP files.
Patch Randomizer
The VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ also includes a 'Patch Randomizer' that allows you to easily create randomly generated
MIDI Input and Output Monitoring
The 'MIDI Monitor' view allows you to view all MIDI data coming into and out of the VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ for both
the Host and Editor MIDI data paths. Easily switch between Host and Editor views. You can even copy the data from the
event logs for pasting and saving into standard text editors or other applications.
MIDI Setup
The VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ is based on an entirely new framework that allows you to select the MIDI input and output
ports and channels directly from within the Editor itself. This allows you to send and receive MIDI data directly to and from
your Synth. You are no longer limited by any Host MIDI incapability. 'MIDI Setup' also allows you to filter out specific MIDI
data for both Host and Editor MIDI data paths or toggle MIDI In and Out operations.