User manual

Notes on DAW Host Automation
If you want to turn knobs on the synth and have these knob movements recorded as automation of the plug-in parameters,
you’ll need to use your DAW to map MIDI from the knobs to the plug-in parameters, the same as you would map a generic
MIDI knob controller to the parameters of any other plug-in. The Editor’s knobs will automatically send the correct MIDI CCs
out to the synth, but associating CCs coming in from the synth to these same knobs is a mapping function of your DAW.
Manually drawing in parameter automation for the Editor knobs will send the correct CCs to your synth.
Setting Up the Plug-in for Standalone
The setup procedure for Standalone operation is fairly straightforward...
1. If other Audio/MIDI applications are already open, then take this into consideration when using the Standalone
application. Make sure the MIDI port you will be using is available for use with the VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™.
2. Open the VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™.
3. Open the 'Devices' dialog and select the preferred audio card settings and 'Host' MIDI Input. This is useful for controlling
the Synth from a remote MIDI keyboard.
4. Click the 'MIDI Setup' button in the Editor and select the MIDI Input and Output port your Synth is attached to.
5. Open the 'MIDI Monitor' view to make sure data is transmitted properly between Synth and Editor.