User manual

Working With the VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™
About Sound
The VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ is a plug-in that deals only with MIDI data. As a result the VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™
makes no sound of its own. It is not an emulation software synth. The sound comes from the actual hardware synth itself,
which is what you want (pure analog hardware generated sound, but with plug-in control). Connect your Synth to your audio
card inputs as you normally would and use the Host to manage the audio tracks.
Using the Controls
Most controls on the VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ are self explanatory as to their use. The display readouts will vary based
on the related ranges and values for that particular control.
Mouse Wheel Support
You can use the mouse wheel to change knob and slider parameters in single increments for fine-tuned parameter control.
Receiving MIDI Data
The VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ can receive and interpret MIDI pitch wheel, modulation and control change data. All Editor
controls will respond to their correlated MIDI messages from the hardware itself. All controls respond to their correlated MIDI
CC numbers as listed in the Little Phatty User Manual.
The MIDI LED Indicators
When the VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ receives or transmits Host or Editor MIDI data, the corresponding MIDI LED's will
blink to notify you. You can turn off the MIDI LED's in the 'MIDI Setup' view.
The About Screen
To view the About screen, click on the VST-AU Little Phatty Editor™ logo button. The about screen shows your registered
name and serial number as well as the product version.