
Fig. 35
Further disassembly of the rearm should be performed by a qualied gunsmith
With proper maintenance and care, your rearm will provide you with years of
dependable service. Your rearm should be inspected and cleaned periodically
to insure that it remains in good condition. Clean and lubricate your rearm as
soon as possible after use. This is especially important if your rearm has been
exposed to moisture. For maximum performance and continued satisfaction with
your rearm, periodic cleaning and lubrication are essential. Wear eye protection
during cleaning.
Use the instructions and equipment provided with a quality rearm cleaning kit.
All metal parts should be cleaned with rearm solvent and lightly lubricated with
rearm oil. Over-lubrication should be avoided. Use only lubricants specically
designed for rearms. Avoid the use of abrasives which may damage the metal
If the rearm is to be stored for a long period of time it should be thoroughly
cleaned and oiled. Do not plug the barrel or store in a fabric lined case that will
absorb lubricant from the rearm.
Using a cleaning patch and cleaning rod, wet the bore and chamber with cleaning
solvent. Use a bore brush and a chamber brush to remove powder residue and
fouling from the bore and chamber. Follow with cleaning patches until the bore
and chamber are clean (Fig. 36). If the rearm is to be stored, pass a lightly
oiled patch through the bore to provide a protective coating. Wipe out the inside
surfaces of the receiver with a solvent soaked cleaning patch. Dry the inside
surfaces with clean patches. Using a cleaning patch, apply a light coat of oil to
the inside surfaces of the upper receiver.
Fig. 36
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