user manual

Giant Telecom, BVI (Distributor) guarantees to you, the original purchaser, the digital
cordless telephone and accessories which you have purchased from an authorised
reseller (the "Products"), to be in conformance with the applicable specifications
current at the time of manufacture for a term of 24 months from date of purchase of
the Product(s) (Warranty Term). You must inform Distributor of the lack of conformity to
the applicable specifications of any of the Products within a period of two (2) months
from the date on which you detect a defect in material, workmanship or lack of
conformity and in any event within a term not to exceed the Warranty Term, and must
immediately submit the Product for service to Distributor's Repair or Service Centre.
During the Warranty term, Distributor will, at its discretion and without extra charge, as
your exclusive remedy, repair or replace your Product which does not comply with this
warranty; or failing this, to reimburse the price of the Product but reduced to take into
account the use you have had of the Product since it was delivered. This warranty will
expire at the end of the Warranty Term.
In order to be eligible to receive warranty service, you must present your receipt of
purchase or a comparable substitute proof of purchase bearing the date of purchase.
The digital cordless telephone should also clearly display the original compatible
electronic serial number. Such information is contained with the Product.